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Kolor Kut Water Finding Paste

 11,07 Ohne MwSt.
 13,39 Inklusive MwSt.


Kut water finding paste is golden brown in color; upon contact with water Kolor Kut turns a brilliant red. Kolor Kut Paste successfully gauges all petroleum and by-products for water content and accurately indicate the water/product interface. Kolor Kut may also be used in sulphuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, soap solution, salt and other chloride solutions
When water is present, Kolor Kut water level indicating paste shows exactly how much, enabling you to pump out the precise amount from the tank. The absence of colour change by the water paste is your dependable guarantee that no water is present.

Kolor Kut Modified water indicating paste has been designed for use in methanol and ethanol enriched fuel systems. Alcohols are soluble in fuels in all proportions when they are water free, but relatively small amounts of water can cause separation of alcohol from the fuel. The mixture settling to the bottom of the storage tank is predominately alcohol and cannot be detected by standard water detection pastes. In addition to detecting this mixture of alcohol and water, Kolor Kut modified water paste will indicate the presense of water in regular fuels.

Contains 90 ml or 3 fl.oz.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0,085 kg
Abmessungen 12 × 4 × 3 cm
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